
I'm trying to show hours for my events in FullCalendar, I have something like this :

    events: [
            title:  'Event',
            start:   '2010-01-01 14:30:00',
            allDay: false
    timeFormat: 'H(:mm)'

It works : it displays hours inside the event(s) but I would like to see all hours at the left like here (select week or day).

Is there any way to get that ?

Thanks for reading.

It would more clear if you make a fiddle in JSFiddlePraveen
I'm beginner, I'm sorry I did not get what you meant.user2428648
http://jsfiddle.net/ is an online code editor, you can post your code save it and then copy the url post it here. so that others can help you.Praveen

1 Answers


What you need are the agendaWeek and agendaDay views (see here). These are set in the header like so (you can add/omit/move buttons as appropriate):

header: { left: 'prev,next title today month,agendaWeek', right: '' }