I am attempting to create a 2d scrolling XNA game as a learning exercise, but have run into some issues with the scrolling background. I am loading a level from a text file, parsing through to create the appropriate tiles and store them in a matrix (tiles[,]).
I then have an update method which alters the position of the tile so when it is redrawn it will move.
Currently, I loop through all tiles to draw them all before moving. This is clearly not very efficient. Ideally, I only want to draw the tiles on the screen. I can do this by taking the viewport and using the height/width of a tile to determine how many tiles will fit on the screen and only loop through those tiles, as follows:
private void DrawTiles(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
float tileWidth = 40;
float tileHeight = 32;
for (int y = 0; y < (int)Math.Ceiling(mViewport.Height / tileHeight); ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < (int)Math.Ceiling(mViewport.Width / tileWidth); ++x)
tiles[x, y].Draw(spriteBatch);
However, this only draws the iles in the original viewport. Tiles outside will never be drawn even though their position does come into view.
I think this can be resolved by using a counter to start and end the loop, incrementing it each time the draw method is called. However, I do not think this is a great solution, but alas I cannot think of a better way to ensure only tiles in the viewport are drawn.