I generated sine wave and make a sound using Source data line.
The sampling rate is 44100, and block size 441.
If I play 0.1 second, then generate 4410 short sine wave and make a sound like below.
ByteBuffer cBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(Constants.BLOCK_SIZE);
for(int i=0; i<SamplesTotal; i++){
cBuf.putShort((short) (Short.MAX_VALUE * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * time)));
time += samplingInterval;
line.write(cBuf.array(), 0, cBuf.position());
cBuf.putShort((short) (Short.MAX_VALUE * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * time)));
time += samplingInterval;
line.write(cBuf.array(), 0, cBuf.position());
The problem now, when I read the data from this sound with smart phone, to find frequency used fftpack read 441 short type data and transform. Such as below source.
while (started) {
int bufferReadResult = audioRecord.read(buffer, 0, blockSize);
for (int i = 0; i < blockSize && i < bufferReadResult; i++) {
toTransform[i] = (double) buffer[i] / (Short.MAX_VALUE);
To find specific frequency 19000 and 20000, I filtered like that and I printed the frequency like below.
int temp = 0;
int temp_idx=0;
double freq=0;
int testFreq_19 = 380;
int testFreq_20 = 400;
for (int i = 0; i < toTransform[0].length; i++) {
int x = i;
int downy = (int) (100 - (toTransform[0][i] * 10));
int upy = 100;
if(i>testFreq_19-1 && downy<99){
canvas.drawLine(x/2, downy, x/2, upy, paint);
if(temp_idx>testFreq_19-10 && temp_idx<testFreq_19+10){
freq = testFreq_19*(frequency/882);
}else if(temp_idx>testFreq_20-10 && temp_idx<testFreq_20+10){
freq = testFreq_20*(frequency/882);
freq= -1;
Log.d("frequency log", "frequency: " + String.valueOf(freq));
The problem is when I generated for 0.1 second, then 10 block(4410) will write. When I read from the smart phone I thought I will receive 4410 block which means print 19000 10 times with above source.
However, the result is terrible. Sometimes receive 20 or 30 times even if 5 times I received. Between the data there is blank(no data) I got the example of results like the following:
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: 19000.0
frequency: 19000.0
frequency: 19000.0
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: 19000.0
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: -1
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: 20000
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
frequency: -1
What's wrong with this code?