I'm trial http://www.webdavsystem.com/ .Net WebDav Server and having problem direct editing on Word file which always open in read-only mode. (tested with Visio, Excel same problem)
I've tried several things noted in the page http://www.webdavsystem.com/server/prev/v2/documentation/ms_office_read_only
Here are the results
- Yes: My WebDAV configured on server site root.
- Yes: My WebDAV support Class 2. (using built-in wizard to generate project)
- No: I didn't open web-hyperlinked file, I opened from M:\Folder\File.doc as Mapped Drive
- Yes: I've Cleared Microsoft Office WebDAV cache in registry.
- Yes: I've Excluded client side MS Office issues. By testing with www.ajaxfilebrowser.com, works perfectly.
Two things I can't really do by suggestions on the webpage are
- I've enable Log flag in Web.config file and attached here http://www.sendspace.com/file/fp3yrz as I can't really understand Log syntax much.
- Also I don't know much enough to try with Fiddle (Examine WebDAV requests with a Fiddler tool ) And my server configured to use Digest Authentication over Standard HTTP, it seemed to work - drive mapping has no a problem.
My Environment : VS2012 Ultimate ran on Win7 ultimate 6GB Ram (also act as a client pc), Server : Winserver 2012 Std, 2GBRam