
Liferay 6.1.1 ce ga2

Hi all,

sometimes, when my customer changes the configuration of the asset publisher, it gets broken=> its not visible anymore!

empty configuration of asset-publihser

And what are these random characters?

enter image description here

I think the configuration.jsp inside of asset_publisher portlet is somehow broken? I didnt touch it!

thanks in advance!

crossreferencing liferay.com/en/c/message_boards/find_message?messageId=25319498 , waiting for your input there. It looks like you've customized the configurationOlaf Kock
the cross-referenced thread is non-English, so I hope you'll answer the question here and share the solution with usyannicuLar
we discuss the issue in german in the other forum, but I will post everything that might help into stackoverflow too!artgrohe

2 Answers


Do you set google analytics in your portal? Please check this post: https://www.liferay.com/community/forums/-/message_boards/message/25503275 Hope it can resolve your problem.


The main problem was another web-content-display portlet, where I dirtily embedded a flash-application. I had to write an own simple portlet for that. It simply puts the embed code in the portlet-view. Works! So, what I learned is: When you want to use embed-codes, you must write a simple portlet for that. hope this helps somebody