I need to build propel query that can get the latest purchase of client
Please use these table/column names in your answer:
- customer: id, name
- purchase: id, customer_id, date
from this question here SQL join: selecting the last records in a one-to-many relationship
I need to build propel query based one of these queries:
orSELECT c.*, p1.* FROM customer c JOIN purchase p1 ON (c.id = p1.customer_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN purchase p2 ON (c.id = p2.customer_id AND (p1.date < p2.date OR p1.date = p2.date AND p1.id < p2.id)) WHERE p2.id IS NULL;
SELECT c.*, p.*
FROM customer c INNER JOIN
SELECT customer_id,
MAX(date) MaxDate
FROM purchase
GROUP BY customer_id
) MaxDates ON c.id = MaxDates.customer_id INNER JOIN
purchase p ON MaxDates.customer_id = p.customer_id
AND MaxDates.MaxDate = p.date