I want to get URLStream from MJPG, but I have received Error #2048: Security sandbox violation error in release version.
What I'm trying to do:
var stream:URLStream = new URLStream();
//receiving this error event in onStreamSecurityError handler:
//Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: {swf} cannot load data from {url}
stream.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onStreamSecurityError);
//load method have no loader context option
stream.load(new URLRequest("http://anydomain.com/mjpg/video.mjpg"));
Setting up crossdomain.xml is not the solution cause the application should able to load a stream from any remote server.
As I remember with flash.display.Loader class I set up LoaderContext and application domain. After that flex app can load resources from any domain. But I don't know what to do with URLStream.
Do you have any solution or a workaround of the Error #2048 ?