I'm reviewing an old exam in my Haskell programming course and I can't seem to wrap my head around this function (I think there is just too little information given).
The code given is
myId x = x
function n f
| n > 0 = f . function (n-1) f
| otherwise = myId
I know that if I for example call the function with the input 2 (*2)
, I will get a function as result. And if I call it with (-2) (*2) 1
I will get the result 1
I just don't know how? Also I can't wrap my head around the typecast of the function.
I know that these two options are correct but I don't understand why (probably parentheses that confuse me at the moment).
function :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
function :: (Num a, Ord b) => a -> (b -> b) -> b -> b
Anyone that can clarify how I should "read" this function and how I should understand how the typecast works (been reading my Programming in Haskell literature and from Learn You a Haskell but been going in circle for a few days now).