So here is my situation.
I have to work with some legacy code. This code gives me a query object back that I must append some rows to. Basically, I need to duplicate 1 row N times (N is not a constant) and then manually adjust some data.
Now, at least IMO what I'm doing really is not the right way to do things. I would much rather return a query object that needs no modifications on the CF side and generates the proper dataset on the database. But alas, I have no access to the original query :(
So here's my crack at. I decided to write a generic function that duplicates a query row, and then I can manually set whatever cells I need once I have the copy appended.
Please see below:
private function duplicateQueryRow(
required query originalQuery,
required numeric rowNum
) {
queryAddRow(arguments.originalQuery, 1);
for (local.i = 1; local.i LTE listLen(originalQuery.columnList); local.i += 1) {
columnName = listGetAt(originalQuery.columnlist, i);
querySetCell(originalQuery, columnName, originalQuery[columnName][rowNum], originalQuery.recordcount);
The problem:
Suppose some of the columns are NULL.
For example, suppose the value of column ACOLUMN is NULL at row 5.
When I do this, the last row's ACOLUMN value will be "" due to CF not handling NULLs. Now if I do a select distinct ACOLUMN from QUERY_NAME
I'll get row 5 AND the latest row since NULL <> [empty string]
I did have a solution and it's below:
private function duplicateQueryRow(
required query originalQuery,
required numeric rowNum
) {
queryAddRow(arguments.originalQuery, 1);
for (local.i = 1; local.i LTE listLen(originalQuery.columnList); local.i += 1) {
columnName = listGetAt(originalQuery.columnlist, i);
if (originalQuery[columnName][rowNum] NEQ "") {
querySetCell(originalQuery, columnName, originalQuery[columnName][rowNum], originalQuery.recordcount);
That works, for now since NULLs will not be copied, but I just dont have confidence that this is correct....
Was wondering if someone had a better solution? Or at the least see if something might be problematic with this function. The requirement I suppose is for a function that given a query and a rowNumber to copy will return the query with a copy of query's rowNumber row at the end.
Thanks in advance!