
when I run php artisan migrate I receive this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function J20\Uuid\openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() i n C:\xampp\htdocs\blog\Laravel-4-Bootstrap-Starter-Site\vendor\j20\php-uuid\src\ J20\Uuid\Uuid.php on line 32

I'm trying to install this app, https://github.com/andrew13/Laravel-4-Bootstrap-Starter-Site

I appreciate any help, since I have no idea how to deal with something in the vendor dir halting migrations.

Sounds like you need the openssl extension enabled. Enable it if it isn't already and then restart Apache.Jason Lewis
Thank you Mr. Lewis, it was exactly that. I just don't understand why xampp wouldn't come with openssl already enabled.user2094178
I think that's just a PHP thing actually.Jason Lewis
Yes, I meant the php installed from xampp.user2094178
@JasonLewis could you please add it as answer so people can upvote it?Antonio Frignani

1 Answers


Make sure you enable the openssl extension in your PHP.ini file by removing the comment from the following line.


So that it looks like this.


Then restart Apache to make sure the changes take effect.