In windows when I cmd: D:\web\TechnicalAssistance>call node src/vendor/r.js -o baseUrl=src name=main out=production/build.js optimize=none
I get this error:Tracing dependencies for: main; Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'D:\web\TechnicalAssistance\src\jquery.js'. In module tree: main
Well this script is not looking in the right path to find jquery, it should be looking into D:\web\TechnicalAssistance\src\vendors\jquery-1.9.1.js
My main.js file:
baseUrl: ".",
paths: {
"jquery": "vendor/jquery-1.9.1"
,"jquery-ui": "vendor/jquery-ui.min"
//,"bootstrap": "vendor/bootstrap.min"
shim: {
"jquery": []
,"jquery-ui": ['jquery']
//,"bootstrap": { deps: ["jquery"] }
], function (one, two) {
If I require like this: "vendor/jquery-1.9.1" instead of just "jquery" as I named, it works! But I don't want to require like this instead of jquery. As you can see I set the path of jquery to "vendor/jquery-1.9.1" and then I shim it "jquery": []; Then I require it in the method below. If I run the un-build file it works! But If I want to build my file it doesn't work as explained above.
What I'm missing here?