
I want to use SumIFs formula where i want to use dynamic sum range.

column range is selected from another sheet in same workbook base on a cell value in current sheet

My Formula:

=SUMIFS ( <XYZ> , CriteriaRange1, Criteria1, CriteriaRange2, Criteria2)

I want <xyz> to be dynamic column range selection based on a cell value.

It seems like you'd have to have dynamic criteria ranges as well, or you'll get a #VALUE error if they're not the same number of rows.Doug Glancy
What exactly is the cell value on which the dynamic range should be based and how does that give you the range?barry houdini

2 Answers


You can use INDIRECT()

If, say, your formula is in Sheet2 cell A1, it bases itself on a cell B1 in which there is Sheet1!A:A, you can use:

=SUMIF(INDIRECT(A2), CriteriaRange1, Criteria1, CriteriaRange2, Criteria2)

If cell B1 has only A, you will have to construct the address from the INDIRECT() function:

=SUMIF(INDIRECT("Sheet1!"&A2&":"&A2), CriteriaRange1, Criteria1, CriteriaRange2, Criteria2)

The indirect part should be INDIRECT("'"&A1&"'"&"!E:E") for the apostrophe. It works