Consider the following quote from this OpenGL ES for iOS Book:
OpenGL ES supports several different sampling modes: Consider what happens when fewer fragments are produced for a triangle than the number of texels available in the bound texture. That can happen any time the texture with a large number of texels is mapped to a triangle that covers only a few pixels in the frame buffer. The opposite can happen, too. A texture containing few texels might be mapped to a triangle that produces many fragments in the frame buffer.
And this quote:
Specifying the parameter GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER [glTexParameteri] with the value GL_LINEAR tells OpenGLES that whenever there are multiple texels that correspond to a fragment, sample colors from several of the suitable texels and mix the colors using linear interpolation to produce the texture’s contribution for the fragment. The resulting fragment color might end up being a color that doesn’t exist in the texture. For example, if a texture is composed of alternating black and white texels, linear sampling will mix the texel colors and the fragment will end up being gray.
My question is how does one determine how many texels are in an image and how large those texels are. If I'm not mistaken 1 texel != 1 pixel, so you can't determine the number of texels by counting pixels. For example, the second quote describes an image with alternation black and white texels. How would you know if your image is composed of black and white texels.... who defines the texel size?? Whose to say one texel doesn't have both black and white in it. How can I possibly determine what one texel in a given image looks like considering that texels have no set size, bounds, etc.