I've have created an HTML5 app using Cordova 2.7.0. All is working well with IOS and Android, but not Blackberry. I have googled/self troubleshoot the issue to death, but no dice...
Firstly my issue: Whenever I try run the app on the simulator with the command (from the app location C:....):
ant blackberry build
It will successfully build the app see output below:
Buildfile: C:\SourceCode\App\BlackBerry\build.xml
generate-cod-name: [echo] Generated name: cordovaExample.cod
clean: [delete] Deleting directory C:\SourceCode\App\BlackBerry\build
package-app: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\SourceCode\App\BlackBerry\build\widget [copy] Copying 22 files to C:\SourceCode\App\BlackBerry\build\widget [zip] Building zip: C:\SourceCode\App\BlackBerry\build\cordovaExample.zip
build: [exec] [INFO] Parsing command line options [exec] [INFO] Parsing bbwp.properties [exec] [INFO] Validating application archive [exec] [INFO] Parsing config.xml [exec] [INFO] Populating application source [exec] [INFO] Compiling BlackBerry WebWorks applicatio n [exec] [FATAL] Executable name has embedded quote, spli t the arguments
BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 13 seconds
However the app does not appear anywhere on the simulator. Also, in the build folder there are only 2 directories, "widget" and "cordovaExample.zip". I read somewhere there should be a "StandardInstall" and "OTAInstall" folder as well. In neither of them are any .jad or .cod files. I have also installed my code signing keys.
When trying to manually build the package (to get .jad or .cod files to install on my device) like so:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry WebWorks SDK\bin>ja va -jar bbwp.jar C:\SourceCode\App\BlackBerry\build\cordovaExample.zip -g >myPassword -o C:\SourceCode\App\BlackBerry\build\signed
I get the following output:
[INFO] Parsing command line options [INFO]
Parsing bbwp.properties [INFO] Validating application archive [INFO] Parsing config.xml [INFO]
Populating application source [INFO] Compiling BlackBerry WebWorks application [FATAL] Executable name has embedded quote, split the arguments
My IDE: Windows 7 64 bit, java version "1.7.0_21" (32 bit), javac 1.7.0_21, BlackBerry WebWorks SDK Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.0
I hope I supplied enough info to the issue. Please can you guys give me some help to get this up and running on the simulator and to get a distribution package?
Thanks in advance!