See this other question for more on shortest paths. In answer to this specific question though, calculating the cost of a path, I first altered the toy graph to make it so that the weights from marko to josh to lop
was cheaper than marko to lop
gremlin> g = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph()
==>tinkergraph[vertices:6 edges:6]
gremlin> g.e(8).weight = 0.1f
gremlin> g.e(11).weight = 0.1f
Then to calculate the "cost" of the paths between marko and lop:
gremlin> g.v(1).outE.inV.loop(2){!="3" && it.loops< 6 }.path.transform{[it.findAll{it instanceof Edge}.sum{it.weight}, it]}
==>[0.4, [v[1], e[9][1-created->3], v[3]]]
==>[0.20000000298023224, [v[1], e[8][1-knows->4], v[4], e[11][4-created->3], v[3]]]
So note that the the path length 3 through marko to josh to lop
is cheaper than marko to lop
. In any case, the gremlin basically says:
g.v(1).outE.inV.loop(2){!="3" && it.loops< 6 }.path
- grab the paths between marko and lop.
.transform{[it.findAll{it instanceof Edge}.sum{it.weight}, it]}
- transform each path into a list where the first value is the sum of the weight
properties and the second value is the path list itself. I calculate the total weight with a bit of groovy on the path list itself by finding all items in the path that are edges, then summing their weight values.