I am trying the following:
select case when ta_end_datetime_berekenen = 'Y' then lead(ta_update_datetime) over ( partition by dn_waarde_van, dn_waarde_tot order by ta_update_datetime ) else ea_end_datetime end ea_end_datetime, ta_insert_datetime, ta_update_datetime from tmp_wtdh_bestedingsklasse_10_s2_stap2
However, when I try that, I get the following error:
NoViableAltException(86@[129:7: ( ( ( KW_AS )? identifier ) | ( KW_AS LPAREN identifier ( COMMA identifier )* RPAREN ) )?])
FAILED: ParseException line 1:175 missing KW_END at 'over' near ')' in selection target line 1:254 cannot recognize input near 'else' 'ea_end_datetime' 'end' in selection target
Would I be correct in assuming that it's not possible to wrap an analytical function in another function?
This is with Hive 0.11.