I have a problem with DynamoDB scan. I added new items to the table using putItem method.
[[AmazonClientManager ddb] putItem:request];
But when I try to fetch using scan using scan method, that item is not coming in the result.
DynamoDBScanResponse *response = [[AmazonClientManager ddb] scan:request];
I am getting the below response,
{Items: ( ),Count: 0,ScannedCount: 608,LastEvaluatedKey: {HashKeyElement: {S: U2575220130319062347000,N: (null),SS: ( ),NS: ( ),},RangeKeyElement: (null),},ConsumedCapacityUnits: 129,{requestId: 3GVT8PJGV4VB45IUPUA6KIN9URVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG}}
But these items are showing in table, when I checked using AWS Console. Could anyone let me know what could be the issue?