
Is any special handling required to parse the eps attachment in the eml using javamail I dont have any issue other types of attachments. only eps attachment gives problem

When i send the eps attachment using outlook 2010 it converts encoding from base64 to quoted-printable.

Below is the header of the eps attachment i am trying to parse.

Content-Type: application/postscript; name="LOGO.eps" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="LOGO.eps"

The attachment is extracted. But when i open it with document viewer it says loading forever


1 Answers


JavaMail tries to guess the best Content-Transfer-Encoding for the data by looking at the actual data. If JavaMail guesses that the data is text, it's likely to use quoted-printable. In some cases, the guess can be wrong, in which case you'll need to specify the encoding yourself. If you're using JavaMail 1.5, there's a new attachFile method that makes this easier.