
ViewNavigator is basically used for navigating around different views, but is there a easier way to just restrict switching to any view and do some operation instead?

eg: I am viewing a product manual or help doc, and without going into any view i'd like to call customer care by clicking on a button in viewnavigator


<s:ViewNavigator id="navigatorHome" width="100%" height="100%"  
                 elementAdd="viewAdded(event)" elementRemove="viewRemoved(event)" 
                 icon="{Images.iconHome64}" firstView="{HomeView}">

                <s:Button icon="{iconBack}" click="{navigatorHome.activeView.navigator.popView()}"/>
<s:ViewNavigator id="navigatorPhone" width="100%" height="100%" 
                 elementAdd="viewAdded(event)" elementRemove="viewRemoved(event)" 
                 icon="{iconPhone}" >
<s:ViewNavigator id="navigatorAlert" width="100%" height="100%" 
                 elementAdd="viewAdded(event)" elementRemove="viewRemoved(event)" 
                 icon="{iconAlerts}" firstView="{AlertView}">
<s:ViewNavigator id="navigatorSettings" width="100%" height="100%" 
                 elementAdd="viewAdded(event)" elementRemove="viewRemoved(event)" 
                 icon="{iconSettings}" firstView="{SettingsView}">
                <s:Button icon="{iconBack}" click="{navigatorSettings.activeView.navigator.popView()}"/>

So here navigatorPhone should not open any view, but instead call some function, Is there a way?


I saw it here that there is a Removing event so I got this

private function removing(event:ViewNavigatorEvent):void
    trace("Inside removing event: "+event.currentTarget.name+", "+communicateViewCalled+", "+navigatorHome.activeView.name);

So here if anyhow I get to know the clicked view, it will do the trick. any help?

trace output by default I am on HomeView and clicked CommunicateView

Inside removing event: HomeView, false, HomeView


1 Answers


Either you can add the functionality to your view, or you need to write a proper eventListener for you button to check the type of the current view and determine that way, what to do.