c# - Bouncy Castle TLS API usage - Stack Overflow
Active 8 years ago
Viewed 6k times

I want to communicate between Server and Client using sockets using bouncy castle TLS library. I went through many documentation(which was insufficient for me) but I did not get any idea how to do this,

I am using BouncyCastle v1.7.48(runtime version=v2.0.50727) binary, and I have found these info,

I have to use, Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Tls namespace and TlsProtocolHandler class.

To achieve TLS communication,

  1. what API I should use in server side?
  2. what API I should use in client side?

        System.IO.Stream inputStream, outputStream;
        TlsProtocolHandler tls = new TlsProtocolHandler(inputStream, outputStream);
  3. What are the parameters inputStream and outputStream?

public virtual void Connect(TlsClient tlsClient);

where, TlsClient is an interface, and that contains many interfaces inside.

4. How to use the above API? I have to declare new classes and implement methods inside that to all?

Please help me with this Bouncy Castle.

EDIT 1: I created one class which inherits from an abstract class called DefaultTlsClient. Then I could create an instance of my class and pass it for interface reference. So I could send the parameter like this. tls.Connect(tlsClient);

I am not initializing any parameters except I mentioned above. (Sockets are connected before these operation on 2055) But I am not sure handshake is complete or not. My program will go to reading state.

  • I could not find any testcase which will use the above API.
    – SHRI
    May 24 2013 at 12:42
  • Then you can use our SecureBlackbox - it comes with documentation, support and samples. Jun 23 2013 at 13:56

There is no server-side TLS API in bouncy castle. You can read on main page that they support only client-side.

For client-side you have found right classes already. TlsProtocolHandler does the job, but it won't work without custom classes. Here is example code:

    // Need class with TlsClient in inheritance chain
    class MyTlsClient : DefaultTlsClient
        public override TlsAuthentication GetAuthentication()
            return new MyTlsAuthentication();

    // Need class to handle certificate auth
    class MyTlsAuthentication : TlsAuthentication
        public TlsCredentials GetClientCredentials(CertificateRequest certificateRequest)
            // return client certificate
            return null;

        public void NotifyServerCertificate(Certificate serverCertificate)
            // validate server certificate

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TcpClient client = new TcpClient();

            client.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, 6000);

            // input/output streams are deprecated, just pass client stream
            TlsProtocolHandler handler = new TlsProtocolHandler(client.GetStream());

            handler.Connect(new MyTlsClient());

            // handshake completed
            // use handler.Stream.Write/Read for sending app data


I have tested this with my tcp server and received client hello.

Keep in mind it is TLS in version 1.0 so if u need other version or server api then I recommend using other library (.NET framework supports TLS).

  • 1
    please validate this: 1. I want TLS v1.2, I cannot use Bouncy castle 2. there is no server side api available for TLS means, Client side I can use Bouncy castle. But server side, I have to implement TLS on TCP by myslelf or using some libraries.(may be .net framework or some other)
    – SHRI
    May 30 2013 at 6:33
  • 1
    You can see in source code TlsProtocolHandler.cs "An implementation of all high level protocols in TLS 1.0" also that they send in header 0x0301 = version 1.0. I would use .NET SslStream in both client and server.
    – nefarel
    May 30 2013 at 8:01
  • In latest Bouncy Castle TlsProtocolHandler is deprecated, so use TlsServerProtocol or TlsClientProtocol with stream and new SecureRandom() as arguments.
    – Possible
    Jul 26 2021 at 19:38

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I could not find any testcase which will use the above API.SHRI
Then you can use our SecureBlackbox - it comes with documentation, support and samples.Eugene Mayevski 'Callback

1 Answers


There is no server-side TLS API in bouncy castle. You can read on main page that they support only client-side.

For client-side you have found right classes already. TlsProtocolHandler does the job, but it won't work without custom classes. Here is example code:

    // Need class with TlsClient in inheritance chain
    class MyTlsClient : DefaultTlsClient
        public override TlsAuthentication GetAuthentication()
            return new MyTlsAuthentication();

    // Need class to handle certificate auth
    class MyTlsAuthentication : TlsAuthentication
        public TlsCredentials GetClientCredentials(CertificateRequest certificateRequest)
            // return client certificate
            return null;

        public void NotifyServerCertificate(Certificate serverCertificate)
            // validate server certificate

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TcpClient client = new TcpClient();

            client.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, 6000);

            // input/output streams are deprecated, just pass client stream
            TlsProtocolHandler handler = new TlsProtocolHandler(client.GetStream());

            handler.Connect(new MyTlsClient());

            // handshake completed
            // use handler.Stream.Write/Read for sending app data


I have tested this with my tcp server and received client hello.

Keep in mind it is TLS in version 1.0 so if u need other version or server api then I recommend using other library (.NET framework supports TLS).