
How do I access the price in one of the simple products? The following is the beginning of the array I want to access from my var_dump($_product->debug()); (stackoverflow wouldn't let me post the whole thing). I am working on the issue related to this post: Magento Retrieve simple product price for configurable product

  array(9) {
    ["0 (Mage_Catalog_Model_Product)"]=>
    array(33) {
      string(2) "69"
      string(1) "4"
      string(2) "10"
      string(6) "simple"
      string(13) "1001-blu-ven1"
      string(1) "0"
      string(1) "0"
      string(19) "2013-04-02 22:12:27"
      string(19) "2013-04-02 23:54:41"
      string(2) "78"
      string(1) "6"
      string(1) "5"
      string(14) "test_1 blue v1"
      string(14) "test-1-blue-v1"
      string(1) "2"
      string(1) "4"
      string(12) "no_selection"
      string(12) "no_selection"
      string(12) "no_selection"
      string(10) "container2"
      string(19) "test-1-blue-v1.html"
      string(6) "0.0000"
      string(6) "1.0000"
      string(1) "1"
      string(1) "1"
      string(1) "1"
      string(1) "0"
      string(1) "0"
      string(19) "test_1 blue v1 desc"
      string(19) "test_1 blue v1 desc"
did you try sth like $_product->getData('price'); ? or do you mean tier prices?Nasaralla
I need the price of the associated simple product. That gives me "0" which is the price of the configurable product.CaitlinHavener
Are you in the template and you are sure that the product loaded? else you need to reload the product like $product->load();Nasaralla
If var_dump($_product->debug()) shows all the details of the configurable product including listing the simple products, then it is indeed loaded, is it not?CaitlinHavener

1 Answers


I was able to get this question answered in the other forum: https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/4050/access-price-variable-in-product-object/4051?noredirect=1#comment5583_4051

$childProducts = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')
foreach($childProducts as $child) {