
I have a problem with different screen sizes and different density issues. I am developing an app for different resolutions but for 480 x 800 resolution I am confused.

I have a single copy of images for 480 x 800. But in market there are different devices for this resolution. For Example:

  1. 480 x 800 (hdpi) --> For phones
  2. 480 x 800 (mdpi)
  3. 480 x 800 (ldpi) ---> Tablets (7inch)

My confusion is , where should I put the images in which images so all above screen sizes can get these images.


I am placing hdpi images in the drawable-hdpi and mdpi and ldpi images in drawable-sw480dp-mdpi folder. This is increasing the size of app because I am repeting same images in seperate folder.


Can Anybody provide the solution for my problem please?


2 Answers

>xlarge screens are at least 960dp x 720dp
>large screens are at least 640dp x 480dp
>normal screens are at least 470dp x 320dp
>small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp

One of the solution is to use vector graphics for example .svg files. link