
Current Environment:

Build information : Qt Creator 2.7.0 Based on Qt 5.0.2 (32 bit) with both MinGW as the compiler. XP PRo Box

Original Environment:

Original Source was made on qt creator 2.6.2 qt 5.0.1 (32 bit) MinGw on a mac with windows seven.

Information on What I am Trying to do:

This Project is being used with a application called Metatrader 4 and is used to enhance the GUI of Metrader. With in Metatrader I can launch the qt app with shell execute A... some times it works some times it does not. So I have converted the QT project to a DLL.

Information on Problem:

It executes, complies and runs fine on the Boxes with QT deployed and installed. On any other Boxes I get a Error 126.

What I have tried: **

Dependency walker gives me this error API-MS-WIN-CORE-HANDLE-L1-1-0.DLL . This current box I am working on has XPRO.

The Question I would like to ask?

Why the error 126 when the exe works perfect? any thoughts?

please care to write normal sentences.UmNyobe
I retyped Post . I hope it is clear nowJeff Crystal
It executes, complies and runs fine on the Boxes with QT deployed and installed. You always need Qt... Qt is dynamically linked so the exact version used for building should be on every single other machines (event if your Qt project is a dll itself).UmNyobe
When complied as a EXE. I just need the dependancies and it runs fine. So you are stating that Complied as a DLL it must have qt Environment install?Jeff Crystal
your issue is that "On any other Boxes I get a Error 126.". What is different between the boxes which work and the ones which don't??UmNyobe

1 Answers


First you need to know what error 126 is. According to MSDN it's ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND, so you work from there, most likely it's the exe cannot find one of the libraries it's compiled against either due to the path it's looking at being incorrect or similar. Make sure when your exe is deployed onto another machine you're also deploying the necessary Qt libraries and deploying them into a place that the exe knows to look in.