I'm using the AFNetworking library, which is excellent, however I'm having trouble keeping track of operations in the NSOperationQueue. I am adding NSOperation objects to the NSOperationQueue, and I need to keep track of progress - so update a UIProgressView to show how far the queue is to completion and then also execute a block of code once the queue is complete.
I've tried KVO - using the answer here: Get notification when NSOperationQueue finishes all tasks however I come across the problem (elaborated on the second answer down there) where sometimes operations in the queue may complete fast enough to temporarily decrement the operationCount property to 0 - which then cause issues with the code in the accepted answer - i.e. prematurely execute the code to be executed after all objects in the queue have finished and progress tracking will not be accurate as a result.
A variation I've tried is checking for operationCount == 0 in the success block of each NSOperation that I add to the NSOperationQueue and then executing code based on that, e.g.
[AFImageRequestOperation *imgRequest = [AFImageRequestOperation imageRequestOperationWithRequest:urlRequest success:^(UIImage *image) {
//Process image & save
if(operationQ.operationCount == 0){
// execute completion of Queue code here
else {
// track progress of the queue here and update UIProgressView
However, I come up with the same issue as I do with KVO.
I've thought about using GCD with a dispatch queue using a completion block - so asynchronously dispatch an NSOperationQueue and then execute the completion block but that doesn't solve my issue with regard to keeping track of the queue progress to update UIProgressView.
Also not used
AFHttpClient enqueueBatchOfHTTPRequestOperations:(NSArray *) progressBlock:^(NSUInteger numberOfFinishedOperations, NSUInteger totalNumberOfOperations)progressBlock completionBlock:^(NSArray *operations)completionBlock
since my images are coming from a few different URLs (rather than one base url).
Any suggestions or pointers will be appreciated. Thanks.
Just a final update:
Solved this issue using the AFHTTPClient enqueueBatchOfHTTPRequestOperations in the end with the help of Matt (see accepted answer) and note the comments as well.
I did come across another solution that does not make use of AFHTTPClient but just NSOperationQueue on its own. I've included this as well in case it's of any use to anyone, but if you're using the AFNetworking Library I'd recommend the accepted answer (since it's most elegant and easy to implement).