
I'm trying to learn learn how routing works in Symfony2, and so far everything I've read has examples like this:

    path:      /blog/{page}
    defaults:  { _controller: AcmeBlogBundle:Blog:index, page: 1 }

This routes requests to /blog/123 to the AcmeBlogBundle Blog controller's "index" action, and passes the 123 parameter as the "page" parameter to that controller action. If no page parameter is passed, then the page defaults to 1.

That's all well and good, but what if you want to simply have a convention based routing system that passes things through like this:


So, for a URL like this:


It would then call AcmeBlogBundle Blog controller's "index" action.

No specific routing configuration is necessary, it simply infers the bundle, controller, and action from the URL. So you can continue adding bundles, controllers, and actions, and you don't need to modify the routing configuration. It just works.

If this isn't possible, can you at least infer the controller and action from the URL? E.g., perhaps you need a route that specifically identifies the bundle, but can we get the controller and action from the URL?

I read through the Symfony "The Book" page about routing, and I couldn't figure out a way to do this.


1 Answers


No way. This was considered as bad practice and so it was removed from symfony.

But you should take a look at the @Route annotation, as it simplifies configuring routes in such a nice way. Directly attached to the action, there is no lack between config and code.