I'm currently having trouble creating an image from a binary string of data in my Python program. I receive the binary data via a socket but when I try the methods I read about on here like this:
buff = StringIO.StringIO() #buffer where image is stored
#Then I concatenate data by doing a
buff.write(data) #the data from the socket
im = Image.open(buff)
I get an exception to the effect of "image type not recognized". I know that I am receiving the data correctly because if I write the image to a file and then open a file it works:
buff = StringIO.StringIO() #buffer where image is stored
buff.write(data) #data is from the socket
output = open("tmp.jpg", 'wb')
im = Image.open("tmp.jpg")
I figure I am probably doing something wrong in using the StringIO class but I'm not sure