Is there a way to create a holdout/back test sample in following ARIMA model with exogenous regressors. Lets say I want to estimate the following model using the first 50 observations and then evaluate model performance on the remaining 20 observations where the x-variables are pre-populated for all 70 observations. What I really want at the end is a graph that plots actual and fitted values in development period and validation/hold out period (also known as Back Testing in time series)
xreg <- cbind(GNP, Time_Scaled_CO) # two time series objects
fit_A <- arima(Charge_Off,order=c(1,1,0),xreg) # Charge_Off is another TS object
lines(predict(fit_A, Data),col="green") #Data contains Charge_Off, GNP, Time_Scaled_CO