I am new to driver development. However, I purchased an OSR USB FX2 Learning Kit, which comes with sample codes for Windows kernel/user mode driver. However, I am writing the driver in Linux (Ubuntu 12). I have successfully been able to send control commands and receive the return of control commands from the device. I also have been able to successfully send and read data over the BULK OUT/IN endpoints the device supports.
There is only one more experiment I have yet to complete. The device has the following endpoints:
1. BULK (OUT) --> Address 0x06
2. BULK (IN) --> Address 0x88
3. INTERRUPT (IN) --> Address 0x81
I am unable to figure out how to find the IRQ number for the INTERRUPT (IN) endpoint. I understand how to install an IRQ handler using:
int request_irq (unsigned int irq,
irq_handler_t handler,
unsigned long irqflags,
const char * devname,
void * dev_id);
and write the handler with the correct function prototype. However, I am wondering how I would find what IRQ line (IRQ number) the device is interrupting on? That is, how do I determine what the value of the argument unsigned int irq in the request_irq function above should be? I read through the book "Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition" how the IRQ number is determined for parallel ports. However, how does this work for USB and how would I go about probing or finding out what this number should be for the USB device?