Is it possible to start an event when an UIWebView (Iphone) has finished loading the URL.
How can I find out, the current URL of the UIWebView?
Pascal's answer for the "getting the URL" part is fine.
From UIWebViewDelegate's documentation, from Apple: "webViewDidFinishLoad: Sent after a web view finishes loading a frame."
Frame != Page.
webViewDidFinishLoad is called when the page is "done loading". It can also be called many times before then. Page loads from can generate a dozen calls to webViewDidFinishLoad.
If you control the page source, then you can make a load test for it, and it will work, for that case. If you only care about getting called "after the page is done loading", then webViewDidFinishLoad is adequate.
For arbitrary pages, with arbitrary JavaScript, loading ad banners in perpetuity, or autoscrolling banners, or implementing a video game, the very idea of a page being "done loading" is wrongheaded.