
I am new in titanium alloy development project, we already have an android app which was built on titanium template. I would like change this to alloy template. My current issue is I need to make a user authentication. In our default app we use the following code

var xhr=Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();    
       xhr.onerror = function(e){ 
        Ti.API.error('Bad Sever =>'+e.error);
   xhr.open("POST","http://xxxxxxxxx.com/api/login/");//ADD your URL
   xhr.setRequestHeader("Set-Cookie", "application/json");
   var param={ "username":$.email.value,"password":$.password.value,"api":true,"type":'P' };

Can I do same method in alloy app as well? Or have any other good methods? If I use the same method I will get JSON response from API. Once logged in I would like to switch to new window.

Here I am using the code below to create new window.

var newwindow = Alloy.createController('threadShow'); 

Is it right method? Or do have any other methods? How can I check whether user is authenticated or not in all controller? Or do we have any method like session as in web development project?


1 Answers


Yes that's ok, at the end of the day, Alloy is built on top of traditional Titanium and is not intending to replace it, just use commonJS and other best practices and you'll be fine