i am very confuse about using backbone.js model fetch method. See the following example
backbone router:
profile: function(id) {
var model = new Account({id:id});
console.log("<---------profile router-------->");
this.changeView(new ProfileView({model:model}));
the first step, the model account will be instantiated, the account model looks like this.
define(['models/StatusCollection'], function(StatusCollection) {
var Account = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: '/accounts',
initialize: function() {
this.status = new StatusCollection();
this.status.url = '/accounts/' + this.id + '/status';
this.activity = new StatusCollection();
this.activity.url = '/accounts/' + this.id + '/activity';
return Account;
urlRoot property for what is it? After model object created, the profileview will be rendered with this this.changeView(new ProfileView({model:model}));, the changeview function looks like this.
changeView: function(view) {
if ( null != this.currentView ) {
this.currentView = view;
after render view, profile information will not display yet, but after model.fetch(); statement execute, data from model will be displayed, why? I really don't know how fetch works, i try to find out, but no chance.