How can I check and find differences(e.g svn diff, netbeans diff) between two files using php?
Platform : Win 7 32bit, PHP 5.4.7 (VC9 X86 32bit thread safe), XAMPP Version 1.8.1
Loaded extensions : Core, bcmath, calendar, ctype, date, ereg, filter, ftp, hash, iconv, json, mcrypt, SPL, odbc, pcre, Reflection, session, standard, mysqlnd, tokenizer, zip, zlib, libxml, dom, PDO, bz2, SimpleXML, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, apache2handler, Phar, curl, mbstring, exif, gd, gettext, mysql, mysqli, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, soap, sockets, sqlite3, xmlrpc, xsl, mhash
function, compare lines, highlight different parts. P.S.: Have you tried anything? – BlitZ