I have read about the @Produces annotation in CDI, but I don't understand its usage.
public class Resources {
// Expose an entity manager using the resource producer pattern
private EntityManager em; //
Logger getLogger(InjectionPoint ip) { //
String category = ip.getMember()
return Logger.getLogger(category);
FacesContext getFacesContext() { //
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
taken from: http://www.jboss.org/jdf/quickstarts/jboss-as-quickstart/guide/GreeterQuickstart/#GreeterQuickstart-
How does the container know to call a producer method? If I inject an EntityManager, how does the container call the @produces EntityManager? And how would a getLogger producer method get called?
I also don't see the reason to go through all of the trouble.