I use libpcap to capture packets, and I need to put the packets into a FIFO queue as soon as a packet is available. But the FIFO queue is shared by 2 threads, one thread call pcap_next() and put packet into the FIFO queue. Another thread fetch packet from the fifo queue. so I have to relate it to a mutex. Like below:
u_char* pkt;
pkt = pcap_next();
insert(pkt, list);
The pcap_next() is related to a packet buffer, if there is no packet in the buffer, pcap_next() is blocked. If there is/are packet(s), each call of pcap_next() returns 1 packet.
it can only fetch oen packet for each lock-unlock operation pair, If packet arrival is not frequent, then it is fine. But if packet arrival is frequent, like in the buffer there are many pending packets, it is a bit resource-consuming to don a lock-unlock operation pair for one packet.
what I hope is: after processing and inserting a packet, I immediately can check whether there are packets available in the packet buffer. If there are, continue processing and insertion. Otherwise, unlock mutex and go back to loop.
Is there a workaround for this?