I have a pretty straight forward uploadified page that allows users to upload files, it works beautifully when I run it on my local machine accessing it through http://localhost/project/etc
the problem is when i try to access the same stuff from outside of localhost, even if trying to get to it through my machinename (http://mycomp1/project/etc), the pages load/etc and everything appears to work, but nothing is being transferred, I have firebug open and normally it will show any ajax requests that are going through but I'm getting nothing.
Any ideas?
my uploadify code:
'scriptAccess': 'always',
'uploader': '../../scripts/uploadify.swf', //flash source for handling the uploads and size checking
'cancelImg': '../../content/images/cancel.png', //cool cancel button
'script': '../../' + $('#Controller').val() + '/FileSave/' + $('#OrderID').val(), //sends files to the controller with apropriate data
'folder': 'Uploads', //sets the upload directory, not sure if this matters as the files are sent to the controller
'multi': true, //allows multiple uploads
'auto': false, //uploads dont start automatically
'queueSizeLimit': 5, //5 files can be in the queue at a time
'queueID': 'fileQueue', //div to contain the queue of files
'displayData': 'speed', //shows the transfer speed
'fileExt': '*.pdf', //limits to pdfs
'fileDesc': 'PDF', //shows a description in the browse window of filetypes
'sizeLimit': '5242880', //5mb limit
'scriptData': { 'CategoryID': $('#fileCategory').val() }, //passes the selected value of the category drop down
onComplete: function(event, queueID, fileObj, response, data) {//once a transfer completes fires an ajax function to pull in the files for the order
if (response == "Upload Successful") {//if response is successfull, updates div displaying files with new files
UPDATE: It appears to be something with the scriptAccess setting but even when set to always, as said on the uploadify website it still is not firing any backend scripts or my onComplete function
UPDATE2: on further inspection it seems like my script path was not correct when in a non localhost setting, but now with the script in the right location the response im getting in my onComplete function is equal to the html output of my login page. any ideas?
UPDATE3: Looks like my script path is ok, just for some reason when not on localhost I get a response of my login page instead of upload successful or upload failed as i should from my backend code
be in quotes like'onComplete': func...
? – Ivan Nevostruev