I´m using the Youtube Player API for Android to play videos selecting one of these in a listview
(videos are previously got parsing json etc etc). The problem comes when I can only play the first video of the listview
that I select, cause the player view doesnt change when I do click in a different element of the listView. This is the important code:
lista.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> pariente, View view,
int posicion, long id) {
Video chosen = (Video)pariente.getItemAtPosition(posicion);
String urlVideo = chosen.getUrl();
String aux = getYoutubeVideoId(urlVideo);
URL_VIDEO = aux;
youTubeView.initialize(KEY_DEVELOPER, new YouTubePlayer.OnInitializedListener() {
public void onInitializationFailure(Provider arg0,
YouTubeInitializationResult arg1) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onInitializationSuccess(Provider arg0,
YouTubePlayer player, boolean wasRestored) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.d("YOUTUBE", "URL: " + URL_VIDEO);
I understand the problem comes because the player can't be initialized twice, so the execution only enter once in OnInitializationSucess
(I tested) and therefore only plays the first video. how to solve this problem?