I'm trying to compile Libra toolkit on a machine running Ubuntu Hardy with OCaml 3.10, I can't upgrade the OS nor update OCaml, and I don't know anything about OCaml. There is only one line that gives me an unbound value error because it uses the new_line function, which was introduced in OCaml 3.11 (http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Lexing.html), could someone tell me how to change it to be compatible with OCaml 3.10? It's the line near the end of this code:
open MnParseTypes;;
open MnParser;;
(* Raised when parsing ends *)
exception Eof;;
module L = Lexing
let linenum lexbuf = lexbuf.L.lex_curr_p.L.pos_lnum
let line = ref 1;;
let keywords = Hashtbl.create 10
let _ =
List.iter2 (Hashtbl.add keywords)
["mn"; "features"; "tree"; "table"; "w"; "eof"]
[Tmn; Tfeatures; Ttree; Ttable; Tweight; EOF];;
let digits = ['0'-'9']+
let identifier = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']+
rule lexer = parse
(* eat blank characters *)
[' ' '\t'] {lexer lexbuf}
(* | "Feature list:" {lexer lexbuf} *)
| '{' {Tlbrace}
| '}' {Trbrace}
| '(' {Tlparen}
| ')' {Trparen}
| ('-')? "inf" {Tfloat( float_of_string(L.lexeme lexbuf))}
| identifier {
let x = String.lowercase (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) in
try Hashtbl.find keywords x
with Not_found ->
failwith((Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
^ ": unknown identifier on line " ^ string_of_int (linenum lexbuf))}
| digits {Tint (int_of_string (L.lexeme lexbuf))}
| ('-')? digits ('.' digits)? (['e' 'E'] ['+' '-']? digits)?
{Tfloat( float_of_string(L.lexeme lexbuf))}
| '+' 'v' (digits as var) '_' (digits as value)
{Tcond(true, int_of_string var, int_of_string value)}
| '-' 'v' (digits as var) '_' (digits as value)
{Tcond(false, int_of_string var, int_of_string value)}
| 'v' (digits as var) '_' (digits as value)
{Tvar( int_of_string var, int_of_string value)}
| ['\n' '\r']+ {L.new_line lexbuf; TEOL} (* THIS GIVES THE ERROR *)
| eof {EOF}
| _ {failwith((L.lexeme lexbuf) ^
": mistake on line " ^ string_of_int lexbuf.L.lex_curr_p.L.pos_lnum)}
(* let start_next_line lexbuf = () *) let start_next_line lexbuf = let lcp = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lcp with pos_lnum = lcp.pos_lnum + 1; pos_bol = lcp.pos_cnum;} }
and then| ['\n' '\r']+ {start_next_line lexbuf; TEOL}
but I get the error Fatal error: exception Data.Eof sometimes – user2059990Data.Eof
issue seems unrelated to your problem: apparently your code seems correct (it does compile, and is the same as the one in lexing), so I would try to see if the data you feed it with is correct, or report to the maintainer. Note that it's not production ready code. – didierc