In the case where a Unicode character or a UTF8 character exists in a ansistring is it possible to strip the characters from the string? In this particular case the ansistring contains EXIF parameters.
When the string is read it is visible as: Copyright © 2013 The States of Guernsey (Guernsey Museums & Galleries)
In one case, the copyright symbol © is encoded as UTF-8 sequence (that is 0xc2 and 0xa9). Delphi 7 and Delphi 2010 shows it as ascii, displaying an "Â" (C2) and a "©" (A9), ignoring that is a UTF8 sequence. Exif tags and the Copyright tag (33432) should be simple ASCII, not UTF8 or unicode.
So if a ansistring contains one or more of these characters can they be stripped from the string or do they have to be manually edited?
Attempting to recover the UTF8 I tried:
// remove the null terminator from a string (part of imageen unit} function RemoveNull(sValue: string): string; begin result := trim(svalue); if (result <> '') and (result[length(result)] = #0) then SetLength(result, length(result) - 1); result := trim(result); end;
EXIF_Copyright: is defined by ImageEn as AnsiString; utf8: UTF8String;
// EXIF_Copyright
// Shows copyright information
SetLength(utf8, Length(EXIF_Copyright)); // [DCC Error] iexEXIFRoutines.pas(911): E2026 Constant expression expected
Move(Pointer(EXIF_Copyright)^, Pointer(utf8)^, Length(EXIF_Copyright)));
_EXIF_Copyright: result := RemoveNull(EXIF_Copyright);
Unfortunately I have little experience dealing with UTF8.
where EXIF_Copyright is an ansistring;
but this will not compile...