
I have a collection of Tools displayed as a CompositeView. Each of the rendered items in this collection is an ItemView. The name of the region that holds these is called toolNameRegion.

I have another region named toolDetailsRegion in that page and it has its supposed to render the attributes of the clicked tool in the toolNameRegion.

Here is the view:

@Tools.module "AboutApp.Show", (Show, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->

  class Show.Layout extends Backbone.Marionette.Layout
    template: JST['backbone/apps/about/templates/about']

      toolNameRegion:  "#tool-name"
      toolDetailsRegion: "#tool-details"

  class Show.Tool extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
    template: JST['backbone/apps/about/templates/_tool']
    tagName: "li"

      "click a.tool-link" : -> 
        @trigger "tool-name:link:clicked", @model # How the hell do I pass this to the Show.ToolDetail class?
        console.log @model # shows the model attributes that was clicked

  class Show.Tools extends Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView
    template: JST['backbone/apps/about/templates/tools']
    itemView: Show.Tool
    itemViewContainer: "ul"

      "click .tool-link" : "tool:link:clicked"

  class Show.ToolDetail extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
    template: JST['backbone/apps/about/templates/tool_details']
    itemView: Show.Tool

    onShow: -> console.log "onShow"
    onClose: -> console.log "onClose"

Here is the controller:

@Tools "AboutApp.Show", (Show, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->

  Show.Controller =

    showAbout: ->
      tools = App.request "get:tools"
      @aboutLayout = @getAboutLayout()

      @aboutLayout.on "show", =>
        @showTools tools
        @showInitialTool tools

      App.mainRegion.show @aboutLayout

    showTools: (tools) ->
      toolsView = @getToolsView tools   
      console.log toolsView

      toolsView.on "tool:link:clicked", (tool) =>
        console.log "model: #{tool}"
        tool = @getInitialToolView tool
        @aboutLayout.toolDetailsRegion.show tool

    @aboutLayout.toolNameRegion.show toolsView

  getToolsView: (tools) ->
    new Show.Tools
      collection: tools

  showInitialTool: (tools) ->
    initial_tool = tools.at(1) 
    toolView = @getInitialToolView initial_tool
    @aboutLayout.toolDetailsRegion.show toolView

  getToolDetailsView:  ->
    App.request "tool:detail:view"

  toolDetailsRegion: ->
    toolDetailView = @getInitialToolView 
    @about.toolDetailsRegion.show toolDetailView

  getInitialToolView: (tool) ->
    new Show.ToolDetail
      model: tool

  getAboutLayout: ->
    new Show.Layout

How do I pass in the @model (model that was clicked on) to the controller so @model can be passed to the view class Show.ToolDetail so that the toolDetailsRegion can be updated dynamically?

Here's my Entities (resources):

@Tools.module "Entities", (Entities, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->

  class Entities.Tool extends Backbone.Model

  class Entities.ToolCollection extends Backbone.Collection
    model: Entities.Tool
    url: -> Routes.tools_path()

  API =

    setTools: (tools) ->
      new Entities.ToolCollection (tools)

    getToolEntities: ->
      tools = new Entities.ToolCollection()
        reset: true

    App.reqres.setHandler "set:tools", (tools) ->
      API.setTools tools

    App.reqres.setHandler "tool:entities", ->

Thanks for your response @David Sulc. It is still not passing the model through. Maybe I'm not formatting it correctly?

The way I grab the model from the view:

class Show.Tool extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
  template: JST['backbone/apps/about/templates/_tool']
  tagName: "li"

    "click a.tool-link" : -> 
      App.request "get:new:tool", @model
      console.log @model

In the controller:

 showTools: (tools) ->
    toolsView = @getToolsView tools   
    console.log toolsView

    toolsView.on "tool:link:clicked", (tool) =>
      console.log "model retrieved from click: #{tool}" # comes up undefined; how to obtain?
      tool = App.request "get:new:tool" # could this be the path, but since tool is undefined, won't work? 
      new_tool = @getInitialToolView tool
      @aboutLayout.toolDetailsRegion.show new_tool

  @aboutLayout.toolNameRegion.show toolsView

Thanks to @David Sulc for showing me the way!

In the controller:

  showTools: (tools) ->
    toolsView = @getToolsView tools   
    console.log toolsView

    Tools.AboutApp.Show.on "tool-name:link:clicked", (tool) =>
      console.log tool.get('name')
      new_tool = @getInitialToolView tool
      @aboutLayout.toolDetailsRegion.show new_tool 

In the view code:

  class Show.Tool extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
    template: JST['backbone/apps/about/templates/_tool']
    tagName: "li"

      "click a.tool-link" : -> 
        Tools.AboutApp.Show.trigger "tool-name:link:clicked", @model
        console.log @model

  class Show.ToolDetail extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
    template: JST['backbone/apps/about/templates/tool_details']
    itemView: Show.Tool
    Tools.AboutApp.Show.on "tool-name:link:clicked", (tool) =>
      console.log tool

    onShow: -> console.log "onShow"
    onClose: -> console.log "onClose"
Thanks for the response. Would these app wide event be in the tool module? Or in the controller? Or in the layout?Joe C

1 Answers


You can use events, scoped to your current module. Trigger the event in your view with

Tools.AboutApp.Show.trigger "my:event", @model

Then, in your controller you can listen for that event and update your other view:

Tools.AboutApp.Show.on "my:event", (model) ->
    console.log model

The syntax you've used in the Show.Tools view will be limited in scope to the item view (and to a certain extent its collection view). Since you need to pass data between different views, we need to widen the scope, and therefore use the call as above: trigger and listen for events in the Tools.AboutApp.Show scope.

In your view:

  "click a.tool-link" : -> 
    Tools.AboutApp.Show.trigger "tool-name:link:clicked", @model

And in your detail view:

Tools.AboutApp.Show.on "tool-name:link:clicked", (tool) =>
  console.log "model retrieved from click: #{tool}"

Notice we need to use the same scope and same trigger name.