I have 3 environments : dev, staging and live .
I use drupal and all content pages need to be synchronized when I deploy from dev-> staging -> live . I use a python deployment script (migraine) to copy the drupal mysql tables I want to migrate .
My problem is that I don't want to migrate the blog articles from dev because I don't want to force the blog editors to publish their articles twice (on live and dev) so when I do the release I don't destroy any new blog posts.
The problem is that the blog posts are stored in the node mysql table . I need to deploy the node table every time for new pages improvements, etc. The node table holds all content from all pages on a drupal website.
How can I sort this out without having to customize the drupal blog module ?
Bare in mind that I can't customize the deployment script just to deploy the nodes that don't have the type='blog' because the ids are sequecial and the blog articles would be erased when on dev I add new pages.