
I have a task where I need to get the list of running applications(not running processes) on a remote machine. So far I have tried this on Powershell : $result=gps | ? {$_.mainwindowtitle.length -ne 0} I tried running the above commands remotely but I have now found out that mainwindowtitle is not supported for remote execution(MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/it-it/library/system.diagnostics.process.mainwindowtitle.aspx) It will be great if you can suggest me other ways through which I can retrieve the list of running applications (not running processes) from the remote machine.

Can you use powershell remoting or it's not an option?CB.
I can use powershell remoting but the above command is still not working.Pankaj Kolhe
Yes it's true: there is a NotSupportedException when you are trying to access the MainWindowTitle property for a process that is running on a remote computer. #This property is available only for processes that are running on the local computer.#CB.
Hi so is there any other way to get the list of applications running on the remote computer?? :(Pankaj Kolhe
A quick test with Invoke-Command and Process.MainWindowTitle is not populated (but it is locally). Suspect this might be a case of the Window Titles not being available from a different session.Richard

1 Answers


How about using the WASP addin module:


Should be able to get you the info you want.