I have a node.js program that I am trying to work with the googleapis module (https://github.com/google/google-api-nodejs-client) version 0.2.5-alpha.
I can make calls using the raw HTTP without problems, so I know I am white listed for the API, I am authenticating and authorizing correctly, and the correct scopes and everything are being requested. If I use the same access_token to do an insert into the timeline, I am getting an error in the callback. I am also discovering the plus API, and calls using this API are working fine.
Code fragment to discover the API, which appears to work without problems:
var client;
.discover( 'plus', 'v1' )
.discover( 'mirror', 'v1' )
.execute( function(err,data){
console.log( err );
client = data;
Code fragment to do the call:
client.mirror.timeline.insert({ text: "test 1 " } ).withAuthClient(user.auth).execute(function(err,result,res){ console.log( '++ start ++' ); console.log( '+err ', err ); console.log( '+result', result ); //console.log( '+res ', res ); console.log( '++ end ++' ); });
What is logged during the callback:
++ start ++ +err { code: 400, message: 'Required', data: [ { domain: 'global', reason: 'required', message: 'Required' } ] } +result undefined ++ end ++
Any indication what is "Required", how to provide it, or how to further debug errors such as this?