Currently I have setup two queues on WebSphere 7. One for sending and one for recieving messages.
I have configured a activation spec on the receiving queue and the messages are consumed fine by a Message Bean.
Also I have written a client that can run on a separate jvm which can send messages fine to the queue.
I am sure that the queues work.
Now I want to know how can I connect them with WebMetods. I know that WebMethods supports JBoss and WebLogic but no support for WebSphere.
I should be able to get this working just by providing: a provider url - "iiop://" a connection factory - "jms/ConnectionFactroy" a queue name- "jms/inQueue" and an initial context - ""
(at least this is what my client is using)
Is there anybody that has resolved this issue? And what are the steps they took?
Thank you in advance for your help.