
I have a NSPersistentDocument with a given Core Data model, etc.

I have a file, created by this document, let's say it its preload.xml. It "contains" several NSManagedObjects.

I would like to load these objects in all my new documents, so that when I create a new document, the new document automatically "has" the objects "living" in preload.xml. So far, here is what I did :

  • I copied preload.xml in my project.

  • In the initWithType:error: method (the method called when a new document is created), have the following code :

    NSURL *preloadURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
    NSError* err = nil;
    [self readFromURL:preloadURL
                error:&err] ;

This doesn't work because, when I try afterwards to save my document to, let's say myNewDoc.xml, this file is empty but all my new data is saved to preload.xml.

I am wondering if I need to create a new store or contextor storeCoordinator or something else. I never dealt with such objects since I always used NSPersistentDocument.

Did you override readFromURL:ofType:error:? If so, what does your version look like?Tom Harrington
Yes, I override readFromURL but it does not work. I did something else, since : create a new store (associated to my preload.xml), a new storeCoord and a new MOC. Then, I had a clone my objects between the two MOC, which is not so great... But it seems to work.Colas
Well, it sounds like the original problem is somehow related to your readFromURL:ofType:error: code, and since you didn't include that it's hard to say what might be wrong with it.Tom Harrington
No sorry, I didn't override at all readFromURL !!! I meant : yes, I used readFromURL. Sorry for the misunderstanding :/Colas

1 Answers


Get the saved objects :

    NSPersistentStoreCoordinator * newPersStoreCoord ;
    newPersStoreCoord = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithManagedObjectModel:theDoc.managedObjectModel] ;

    NSString * path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"preload"
    NSURL *preloadURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];

    [newPersStoreCoord addPersistentStoreWithType:NSBinaryStoreType
                                            error:NULL] ;

    NSManagedObjectContext * auxMOC = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] init] ;
    [auxMOC setPersistentStoreCoordinator:newPersStoreCoord] ;

copy them to your "living" MOC

  [self loadPreloadedDataFromTheMOC:auxMOC
                            forTheDoc:theDoc] ;

with the help of cloning techniques

- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
                    withCopiedCache:(NSMutableDictionary *)alreadyCopied
                     exludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude
                  excludeAttributes:(NSArray *)namesOfAttributesToExclude
    NSString *entityName = [[self entity] name];

    if ([namesOfEntitiesToExclude containsObject:entityName])
        return nil;

    NSManagedObject *cloned = [alreadyCopied objectForKey:[self objectID]];
    if (cloned != nil)
        return cloned;

    //create new object in data store
    cloned = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:entityName
    [alreadyCopied setObject:cloned
                      forKey:[self objectID]];

    //loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
    NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName
                                            inManagedObjectContext:context] attributesByName];

    for (NSString *attr in attributes)
        if (![namesOfAttributesToExclude containsObject:attr])
            [cloned setValue:[self valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

    //Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
    NSDictionary *relationships = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName
                                               inManagedObjectContext:context] relationshipsByName];

    for (NSString *relName in [relationships allKeys])
        NSRelationshipDescription *rel = [relationships objectForKey:relName];

        NSString *keyName = rel.name;

        if ([rel isToMany])
            id sourceSet ;
            id clonedSet ;

             On gère selon que la relation est ordonnée ou non
            if (![rel isOrdered])
                //get a set of all objects in the relationship
                sourceSet = [self mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
                clonedSet = [cloned mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
                sourceSet = [self mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:keyName];
                clonedSet = [cloned mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:keyName];

            NSEnumerator *e = [sourceSet objectEnumerator];
            NSManagedObject *relatedObject;

            while (relatedObject = [e nextObject])
                //Clone it, and add clone to set
                NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context
                if (clonedRelatedObject)
                    [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
            NSManagedObject *relatedObject = [self valueForKey:keyName];
            if (relatedObject != nil)
                NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context
                if (clonedRelatedObject)
                    [cloned setValue:clonedRelatedObject forKey:keyName];

    return cloned;