I am learning Prolog using SWI Prolog and I have some doubts about how work this implementation of the 2-3 dictionary in Prolog.
I know the theory of the 2-3 dictionary that are trees whose internal nodes can generate 2 or 3 subtrees having the following properties:
1) All the items are stored in the leaves and are ordered from the smaller to the bigger
2) All the leaves are in the same level
3) The internal nodes do not contains the inserted item but contains label that specify the minimal elements of the subtrees in the following way:
- If an internal node have 2 subtrees, the label in this internal node contains the MINIMAL ELEMENT of its RIGHT SUBTREE (so if I am searching an item X that is smaller then the label I am sure that it is in the left subtree)
- If an internal node have 3 subtrees, the label in this internal node contains 2 value: M2 and M3 where M1 is the MINIMAL VALUE that is present in the CENTER SUBTREE and M3 is the MINIMAL VALUE that is the the right subtree
So search if an item exist in this kind of dictionary is pretty simple.
The insertion is more complicated, I have understand the theory of it but I have just some problem with the Prolog interpretation.
This is my program (take from Ivan Bratko book: Programming for artificial intelligence):
/* in(Item, Tree) predicate is TRUE if the searched Item is in the specified Tree */
% BASE CASE: Item found in a leaf, so end
in(Item, l(Item)).
/* CASE 1: I am searching Item in an internal node having a single label value
so this internal node have 2 subtrees
in(Item, n2(T1,M,T2)) :- gt(M,Item), % IF M label value lexicographically follows the searched Item value
in(Item,T1) % THEN search Item in the left subtree
; % (; is an OR)
in(Item,T2). % Otherwise search Item in the right subtree
/* CASE 2: I am searching Intem in an internal node having 2 label values so this
internal node have 3 subtrees
in(Item, n3(T1,M2,T2,M3,T3)) :- gt(M2,Item), % IF M2 label value lexicographically follows the searched Item value
in(Item,T1) % THEN search Item in the left subtree
; % (; is an OR)
/* IF M3 label value lexicographically follows the searched Item value
BUT this is NOT TRUE that M2>Item
in(Item,T2) % THEN search Item in the central subtree
; % (; is an OR)
in(Item,T3). % ELSE (it is TRUE that Item>M3) search in the right subtree
% Insertion in the 2-3 dictionary
/* Add X to Tree giving Tree1
CASE 1: After the insertion of X into Tree, Tree1 does not grow upwards (so it means that an internal nodes
having 2 subtrees child, now have 3 subtrees child, so the original tree has grown in width)
add23(Tree, X, Tree1) :- ins(Tree, X, Tree1).
/* CASE 2: Tree grows upwards: It means that if after the insertion of X the height of the new tree is
increased so the ins/5 predicate determines the two subtrees T1 and T2 which are then combined
into a bigger tree
add23(Tree, X, n2( T1, M2, T2)) :- ins(Tree, X, T1, M2, T2).
del23(Tree, X, Tree1) :- add23(Tree1, X, Tree). % Delete X from Tree giving Tree1
/* BASE CASE: Inserting the X item into a voil (nil) tree means to obtain a tree
consisting of the single new leaf l(X)
ins(nil, X, l(X)).
/* BASE CASES: related to inserting a new item X into a tree composed by
a single leaf
ins(l(A), X, l(A), X, l(X)) :- gt(X, A).
ins(l(A), X, l(X), A, l(A)) :- gt(A, X).
/* Tree = n2(T1, M , T2) so Tree is a tree having 2 subtrees T1 and T2
IF it is TRUE that M>X (the minimal element in T2 is > the new X item)
I have to insert X in the LEFT subtrees (into T1 that becomes NT1 and
now have 2 leaves)
ins(n2(T1, M , T2), X, n2(NT1, M, T2)) :- gt(M, X),
ins(T1, X, NT1).
/* Tree = n2(T1, M , T2) so Tree is a tree having 2 subtrees T1 and T2
IF it is TRUE that M>X (the minimal element in T2 is > the new X item) and
IF I can insert
ins(n2(T1, M, T2), X, n3(NT1a, Mb, NT1b, M, T2)) :- gt(M, X),
ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b).
ins(n2(T1, M, T2), X, n2(T1, M, NT2)) :- gt(X, M),
ins(T2, X, NT2).
ins( n2( T1, M, T2), X, n3( T1, M, NT2a, Mb, NT2b)) :-
gt( X, M),
ins( T2, X, NT2a, Mb, NT2b).
ins( n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n3( NT1, M2, T2, M3, T3)) :-
gt( M2, X),
ins( T1, X, NT1).
/* Tree = n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3) so Tree is a tree having 3 subtree: T1,T2 and T2
and the ROOT of Tree is the node (M2,M3)
M2: MINIMAL ELEMENT of T2 subtree
M3: MINIMAL ELEMENT of T3 subtree
If I had the item X then Tree have to grow in height
IF it is TRUE that M2 > X I could try to insert the X item into T1 subtree
IF it is TRUE that X is added in T1 and T1 is splitted in NT1a and NT1b having root Mb
so the new tree is: n2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b), M2, n2(T2, M3, T3)
ins(n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b), M2, n2(T2, M3, T3)) :-
gt(M2, X),
ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b).
ins(n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n3(T1, M2, NT2, M3, T3)) :-
gt(X, M2), gt(M3, X),
ins(T2, X, NT2).
ins( n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n2( T1, M2, NT2a), Mb, n2( NT2b, M3, T3)) :-
gt( X, M2), gt( M3, X),
ins( T2, X, NT2a, Mb, NT2b).
ins( n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, NT3)) :-
gt( X, M3),
ins( T3, X, NT3).
ins( n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n2( T1, M2, T2), M3, n2( NT3a, Mb, NT3b)) :-
gt( X, M3),
ins( T3, X, NT3a, Mb, NT3b).
In this implementation I have that:
- l(X) rappresent an item present in my tree
- n2(T1,M,T2) rappresents a tree with 2 subtress T1 and T2 where M is the minimal element in T2
- n3(T1,M2,T2,M3,T3)** rappresents a tree with 3 subtrees: T1,T2,T3 where M2 is the minimal element in T2 and M3 is the minimal element in T3
The first doubt is related to the relation that exist between the add23 and the ins predicate, these:
/* Add X to Tree giving Tree1
CASE 1: After the insertion of X into Tree, Tree1 does not grow upwoards (so it means that an internal nodes
having 2 subtrees child, now have 3 subtrees child, so the original tree has grown in width)
add23(Tree, X, Tree1) :- ins(Tree, X, Tree1).
/* CASE 2: Tree grows upwards: It meaans that if after the insertion of X the height of the new tree is
increased so the ins/5 predicate determines the two subtrees T1 and T2 wich are then combined
into a bigger tree
add23(Tree, X, n2( T1, M2, T2)) :- ins(Tree, X, T1, M2, T2).
As write in the comments I thinkt that the first one is related to the case in wich the new tree don't grow upwoards (so for example I had a tree that have 2 subtrees and inserting a new item I am creating a new subtree that have its leaves at the same level all others leaves (and so an internal node will now have 2 labels) Is it right?
So in logic I can read it as: if ins(Tree, X, Tree1) predicate is TRUE then I have add X to Tree generating the new Tree1 that have the same height of the old Tree but that contains X item (so it must have an internal node having 3 child)
The second case is related at the case in wicht I have a tree and I have to insert a new item in a node that which has already 3 subtrees so I have to split the old tree in 2 trees that as root have both as label a single label take from the 2 labels of the old original node. So I can insert the new item as leaf and as new root of the new tree.
So in logic I can read it as:
If the predicate ins(Tree, X, T1, M2, T2) is TRUE then it means that it is TRUE the predicate: add23(Tree, X, n2( T1, M2, T2))
This is the case in wich I have split the original tree Tree, that have 3 subtrees, into two different tree: T1 and T2 that as root have a node with a single minimal label take from the old root of the original tree Tree.
So it happens that I will surely have one of these trees will have two subtrees and the other one that have a single subtree, so I can add the new inserted item to this subtree and also use it as new root of the newtree that is increased in height by one level.
Is it right? I am not sure about this...
On the book I have found the explaination of three specific case of ins predicate and I am having many doubts about how it work:
ins(n2(T1, M , T2), X, n2(NT1, M, T2)) :- gt(M, X),
ins(T1, X, NT1).
This case say me that the original tree Tree is: n2(T1, M , T2) and I insert X into Tree that is a tree having only 2 subtrees: T1 and T2.
So if gt(M, X) is TRUE it means that M>X so it means that X could be the LEFT SUBTREE that became NT1 (why? it maybe depends by the fact that the old T1 have only 1 leaf in one of its subtree?) and so, at the end, the original tree became n2(NT1, M, T2)
I think that this case it is simple
ins(n2(T1, M, T2), X, n3(NT1a, Mb, NT1b, M, T2)) :- gt(M, X),
ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b).
Also this case say me that the original tree Tree is: n2(T1, M , T2) and I insert X into Tree that is a tree having only 2 subtrees: T1 and T2.
IF it is TRUE that M>X and this is TRUE the predicate: ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b)
it means that I split T1 into 2 subtrees NT1a and NT1b adding a third child to the origincal tree that became n3(NT1a, Mb, NT1b, M, T2)
Ok this is pretty clear but my problem is: in the complete code what is this predicate that have be to satisfy? I am doing confusion...
ins(n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b), M2, n2(T2, M3, T3)) :-
gt(M2, X),
ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b).
This case is the case in which the original tree Tree have 3 subtrees and when I have to insert it I have to split the original tree into two tree (n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3) and n2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b)) , insert the new item X into one of these subtrees and use the minimal elements of the second subtree as root of the left subtree as root of the new tree (that now is higher than a level)
My doubt is: in the previous case the NewTree is n2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b), M2, n2(T2, M3, T3)
so M2 (the minimum element of the right subtree) is the new root because it is TRUE that M2>X?
Can you give me some hints to understand better these thing?