
I am trying to read a Visa Credit Card, using the command:

00 A4 04 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10

but I'm getting this response

61 2E

I am unable to understand this response, because the EMV Book 1 says (pag 146):

6A 81 : command not supported
90 00 or 62 83 command is successfull

Any help on how to proceed now? What I'm missing? What should I do?


Is the command (as written) missing P2?Wayne Uroda

1 Answers


Found the issue, posted here in case anyone runs in a similar issue:

From EMV Book #1, pag #114:

The GET RESPONSE command is issued by the TTL to obtain available data from the ICC when processing case 2 and 4 commands. It is employed only when the T=0 protocol type is in use.

So, the next command to send in this case is:

OO C0 00 00 2E

in order to receive the actual data.