I have the following code inside an Actor
def receive = {
case All() => {
val collection: BSONCollection = db("ping")
val future:Future[List[Ping]] = collection.find(BSONDocument()).cursor[Ping].toList()
val zender = sender
future onComplete {
case Success(list) => zender ! list
case Failure(throwable) => zender ! List()
I don't like how I have to use the onComplete function to send the result back to the sender actor. I'd like to know if it is possible to convert it into something like this:
def receive = {
case All() => {
val collection: BSONCollection = db("ping")
val future:Future[List[Ping]] = collection.find(BSONDocument()).cursor[Ping].toList()
"sender ! future" // one option
"future.map( list => sender ! list)" //Another option. I know it's not map, but maybe another function
I feel that this flows better with future chaining.