I am working with an API that allows me to specify a "bounding box" of coordinate which allows me to only return results within that box:
- Returns a list of geocaches inside the specified bounding box sorted by the distance from the center of the box.
- The parameters south latitude, west longitude, north latitude, east longitude define the edges of a bounding box.
- Coordinates should be in decimal degrees Use positive numbers for north latitude and east longitude and negative numbers of south latitude and west longitude.
- The box cannot cross the 180° longitude line or the 90° or -90° points.
The math for this is a little beyond me, but I found somewhat helpful calculations, but I am not sure it is what I need for the API:
MKCoordinateRegion region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(self.mapView.centerCoordinate, 2000.0, 2000.0);
CLLocationCoordinate2D northWestCorner, southEastCorner;
northWestCorner.latitude = center.latitude - (region.span.latitudeDelta / 2.0);
northWestCorner.longitude = center.longitude + (region.span.longitudeDelta / 2.0);
southEastCorner.latitude = center.latitude + (region.span.latitudeDelta / 2.0);
southEastCorner.longitude = center.longitude - (region.span.longitudeDelta / 2.0);
Does anyone know how I could do this? Are the calculations here not helpful in order to get the west longitude, north latitude, east longitude
that define the edges of the bounding box?
The error I am getting:
Invalid value for parameter: bbox=south,west,north,east
Using the center value:
Converted Box (after calculations from above):
Final Working code:
// Current distance
MKMapRect mRect = mapView.visibleMapRect;
MKMapPoint eastMapPoint = MKMapPointMake(MKMapRectGetMinX(mRect), MKMapRectGetMidY(mRect));
MKMapPoint westMapPoint = MKMapPointMake(MKMapRectGetMaxX(mRect), MKMapRectGetMidY(mRect));
CLLocationDistance distance = MKMetersBetweenMapPoints(eastMapPoint, westMapPoint);
// Region
MKCoordinateRegion region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(request.center, distance, distance);
CLLocationCoordinate2D northWestCorner, southEastCorner;
northWestCorner.latitude = request.center.latitude + (region.span.latitudeDelta / 2.0);
northWestCorner.longitude = request.center.longitude - (region.span.longitudeDelta / 2.0);
southEastCorner.latitude = request.center.latitude - (region.span.latitudeDelta / 2.0);
southEastCorner.longitude = request.center.longitude + (region.span.longitudeDelta / 2.0);
base = [base stringByAppendingFormat:@"bbox=%f,%f,%f,%f&", southEastCorner.latitude,northWestCorner.longitude,northWestCorner.latitude,southEastCorner.longitude];