Dart doesn't yet have formal support for enums. We expect to add enums in the future: http://news.dartlang.org/2013/04/enum-proposal-for-dart.html
In the meantime, here is a common pattern to emulate enums:
class Enum {
final _value;
const Enum._internal(this._value);
toString() => 'Enum.$_value';
static const FOO = const Enum._internal('FOO');
static const BAR = const Enum._internal('BAR');
static const BAZ = const Enum._internal('BAZ');
Which came from How can I build an enum with Dart?
To create a Web UI custom element that has an enum field, you can use setters and getters to convert from a string (from HTML) to the enums.
Something like this should work:
import 'package:web_ui/web_ui.dart';
class Color {
final _value;
const Color._internal(this._value);
factory Color(String value) {
switch (value) {
case 'RED':
return Color.RED;
case 'BLUE':
return Color.BLUE;
case 'GREEN':
return Color.GREEN;
throw 'not a color';
toString() => 'Color.$_value';
static const RED = const Color._internal('RED');
static const BLUE = const Color._internal('BLUE');
static const GREEN = const Color._internal('GREEN');
class PersonComponent extends WebComponent {
Color favoriteColor;
String get favColor => ((x) => x == null ? null : x._value)(favoriteColor);
void set favColor(String value) {
favoriteColor = new Color(value);
And then the HTML would be:
<element name="x-person" extends="div" constructor="PersonComponent">
Favorite Color: <select bind-value="favColor">
You picked {{favoriteColor}}
<script type="application/dart" src="person_component.dart"></script>