Rich snippets is not working in as google says though it can recognize all of the information in structured data section of the following tool. I am using sites Place type. Is it the issue? If so, then what should I use in my situation. I need to show the following information given in the image. Most important part is to display image of the Place.
Extracted structured data
Item type: *://
url: *://ée
image: *:// telephone: 416-862-0888 name: Musée description: Toronto - New Condos - Plaza Developments - Musée - Overview
Item type: *://
name: Address
streetaddress: 525 Adelaide St W
postalcode: M5V 1T4
addressregion: ON
addresslocality: Toronto
Item type: *://
latitude: 43.6452196
longitude: -79.40313659999998
Item type: *://
name: Worksheet Submission
startdate: 04/19/2013 09:00 AM